Can´t Join local Session with Subsystem Null!?

Hi there…
Since there´s no answer on the Forum yet, i wanted to ask here…

I tried to activate OnlineSubsystem Null. Therefor i added


to the DefaultEngine.ini.
In the i changed the code to:

        PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "OnlineSubsystem", "OnlineSubsystemNull", "OnlineSubsystemUtils" });
        PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "OnlineSubsystem" });

Should be enough, if i follow the tutorials.

Sow. i made a simple Host Menü and Find/Join Menü.
Host Button calls a custom Event in the GameInstance, that shows a Loading Screen and calls CreateSession. Additional, there´s a checkbox to change LAN usage.
When a Session is created and OnSuccess is fired, it Opens the Lobby Level with “listen” as Option (and Absolute checked).

Find/Join Menü has a search Button. When the FindSessions fires success AND results.length != 0, it joins the first result. If Length is 0, or OnFailure is fired, it returns to title and shows a warning Widget.

I want to try the system locally with 2 PIE Windows (or Viewport + Window).

The Problem is:
CreateSession works and my server/client is transfered to the Lobby Map.
the Client tries to FindSessions, this fires OnSuccess, but the Results are always empty (length = 0). So joining is not possible… wether with, nor without LAN.
I tried direct connection with Console Command and ["open ip], too. No success.

I´m nearly giving this up, since i´m struggling with that for a Week now… and it really bothers me, cause there´s not much help anywhere. Event the Epic Documentation and Wiki is not helpful or outdated…

So… i hope you guy can give me some help.

nobody knows an answer to this?

I’m not working on 4.21 right now, but yes you should be able to join a LAN session using OnlineSubsystemNull.
Did you enabled the plugin OnlineSubsystemNull in your project?

Also, networking in PIE does not work always as expected. If you are in a C++ project, try by launching two “DebugGame” instances from Visual Studio.

If you are blueprint only, right-click on MyProject.uproject->Launch Game could do the trick (but it still is the editor running).
You can also try the option to launch in editor in separate processes.

I´m running with Blueprints for sessionmaking.
I set the Player Number to 2 and start New Window (PIE).

It doesn´t matter if i check or uncheck LAN, it can´t find the created Session.
I checked the Log, too. Host is active and no “connection lost”.

I also checked, if a VirtualNetwork is active. But i´ve non installed. Kaspersky, Windows and my Router are forwarding and not blocking…

At this stage you should package your project in Debug and see if the connection stuff works! Because, again, networking in PIE is very messy and does not work always as expected.