can see objects inside skysphere when outside skysphere

I think this would be rendering and blueprint scripting, but anyway, I have a camera outside of the sky sphere. if I have something in that skysphere, the camera can see it even though the camera is out of the skysphere. is there any way that I can make the skysphere solid or something so I cant have the camera see through it, or make the skysphere like a real planet? I’m not sure how to really word this question.

Hello! This is because the faces on the skyphere are single-sided and are only visible from within the sphere. Flying outside causes you to see “through” it - to the objects inside and faces across.
You can solve this in a couple of ways:
1- Open the skysphere material and enable “Two Sided” in the material properties.
2- Create a second sphere that’s a bit bigger than your skysphere (so your scene will sit inside it) and disable its shadow casting.

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where can i find the skysphere material?