Can PostProcessVolumes act as Colorchanging Boxes?

So I recently started crafting my game… I now wanna add some kind of danger.
Basic Gameplay → You shoot around projectiles to see your Environment that’s why I need these projectiles (and their ribbon) to partly change color.
For example if I shoot a sphere at this volume and it’s half way in, it should be half red and half white.
But since Post Process volumes only change the whole screen I wondered if there’s another way.
Simply changing the color on begin and end overlap doesn’t do the job.

You can have localized PP volumes:

Thanks for your help ^-^
That’s kinda what I’m looking for but excuse me the question… How do I set these up ?
I already added a Post process volume with the Code of the link you sent me but it still only affects when I go in and then the whole screen.
Sorry for this I’m very new to post processing

That sub-graph shows you how to determine if an area is inside the PP volume. You still need to lerp between that and the normal view:

At the moment, it only works at the world origin, trying to figure that bit out…

EDIT: Well you can put it in a BP and make that 3vector a parameter, which you can set on a material instance to be the same as the BP location. But it’s probably easier to just type in the coords. It depends how many copies of the BP you have…

I don’t know if there’s an actor position node for PP mats, but it does work with a parameter in a BP. A simple 500 step process:


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Thanks alot ^-^

So you make a new blueprint actor. Add a PP component. Put that code in the construction script.

First of all, just do it with the fixed 0,0,0 center.

Then add the parameter.

Where are you stuck?