Can Parallax Occlusion Mapping break a silhouette?

Can Parallax Occlusion Mapping break a silhouette? Or would you just use world displacement for that?
What are the performance differences?

I’m looking to create this effect in unreal. But It keeps looking like its under glass.

This guy has a video, how is he doing this?

How did neofur do it?

It looks like there was some experimentation on this subject back in UE3. What happened to it?

Where do I go to learn more?

Thank you for you time.

Hey psloand,

Download the Content Examples project which is free on the Learn tab in the Unreal Engine Launcher. There is a map in that project specifically designed to help you better understand how to work with Parallax Occlusion and the caveats to the system. I believe the map is called Parallax Occlusion Mapping. Use that as a good starting point for learning this rendering technique.


This guy has a video, how is he doing
This guy in the video checks if resulting UV coordinates after POM, are above 1.0 or below 0.0. If so, he discards the pixel. You can get the same effect using masked material blend mode and set opacity to zero instead of discarding pixel, as it is not directly possible in UE4 material editor.
How did neofur do it?
A wild guess would be that they are using geometry shader to generate shells/fins for fur rendering. In any case, it is quite complicated, and if you are really after this effect, you might want to consider licencing this plugin.
Where do I go to learn more?


But it is somewhat advanced and generally requires proper programming and shader authoring skills.

Thank you this was very helpful.

Thank you Deathrey, You’re right I still have a few more steps before I’m ready to interact with materials at that level. I appreciate your time thanks again.