Can not set resolution with the specify value

I am working on a demo.
I want to make a combo box to select a resolution and set it.
I get the resolutions array with RHIGetAvailableResolutions();
And I use UGameUserSettings->SetScreenResolution() to set it.
It can not set up most resolutions.
But I can use the command to set the resolution, just like “r.setres 1024x768”.
Can anyone tell me why?

Here is my code:

void UDemoBlueprintLibrary::SetCustomResolution(const FString& InStr)
UGameUserSettings* Settings = GEngine->GetGameUserSettings();

FString TempStr = ClearResolutionString(InStr);

int32 StrIdx = TempStr.Find("*");

if (StrIdx != INDEX_NONE)
	if (Settings)
		int32 X = FCString::Atoi(*TempStr.Left(StrIdx));
		int32 Y = FCString::Atoi(*TempStr.Right(StrIdx));
		FIntPoint CustomResolution(X, Y);


I had the same problem. The fix is to set fullscreen mode to windowed. And make sure apply settings parameter is false. Like this:

// Set the new resolution
GameSettings->SetScreenResolution(FIntPoint(X, Y));