I am trying to export a point cloud from my RC but it always show problem tips, see the screentshot.
I used Camera Array to take two photos for one people, one is raster photo used to build model, then save the project to local, and edit the .rcproj file, replace all photos with new photos to colorize and texture.
Hi @tasetasdfasdf,
as you changed the original images to other images this will happen for the PPI project. It is not allowed to change the images: https://dev.epicgames.com/community/learning/knowledge-base/Xap4/capturing-reality-how-can-i-preserve-ppi-licenses
When you want to use different images for model creation and texturing you will need to use the image layers: RealityCapture Help, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo-aBFMv_OQ