My Project has one game and one game-plugin, and the Game use game-plugin API.(statically link)
also Game-plugin is game plugin.(not editor plugin)
I think this problem occurred, because Game-plugin has some editor modules.
I want to build Project in DebugGame Mode NOT Editor Mode.
Plugin has next modules:
(below codes will help your understanding)
"CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "SlateCore", "Slate", "UMG", "MainFrame", "DesktopPlateform"
if (UEBuildConfiguration.bEuildEditor == true)
"UnrealEd", "PropertyEditor", "Kismet", "Projects", "LevelEditor"
Build Error Content:
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: ‘HACD_64.lib’
I wonder that how to success Debug Game Builder.
thank your help
have a nice day.