Can not build and package Dedicated Server game in Launcher Binary Build Engine

Can not build and package Dedicated Server game in Launcher Binary Build Engine

The normal development package build, and then run

WindowsNoEditor\GameName\Binaries\Win64\GameName.exe TestMap -server -game

will launch game normally. No dedicated server running.

Also, I know it can be build and package Dedicated Server with UE4 full source codes.


Building and packaging dedicated servers with a binary version of the engine is not supported. This guide shows how to do this with a source build, in case you’re interested: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums

After speaking to a few people more knowledgeable about this process, I’ve gotten this information:

As for the -server -game commands, I tried connecting a first person bp project using those commands in a binary build and it looks like it will at least connect. There are a couple of things you would need to change in order to do that though. When I test -commands I run them separately like: ‘UE4Editor.exe -server -log’ for the server and ‘UE4Editor.exe -game -log’ for the client. This tells the server to start by loading into a map with a visible command window then tells the client to load up and connect to the local host where the server is. The way you are doing it might be causing the -server to be overwritten by the -game. A couple of trouble shooting things to check would be loading into a blank map and check the task manager for a server that is already running but without a UI.

Let me know if you have any further questions regarding this issue.

Have a great day