Can not apply material "Material is missing required material parameters"


When I attempt to drag a material on to my landscape I get an error which says “Material is missing required material parameters” and does not let me apply the material. I am new to UE4 and have no idea where to even start with fixing this error. I have tried starting a new project, changing project, restarting UE4, and restarting my computer and nothing has worked. UE4 is up to date. Thank you!

Didn’t you add material to world settings instead landscape settings? (World settings are under landscape settings)


This was the issue for me. To be clear, I was dragging the material onto a slot in the the World Setttings panel, and not on the Details panel for the object.


too many reasons here, but most of them are Similar,
make sure you don’t select Gizmo

and if you are using world composition
make sure that you upload all maps
and you are in Persistent Level
drag and drop under details not the world setting

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too many reasons here, but most of them are Similar,
make sure you don’t select Gizmo

and if you are using world composition
make sure that you upload all maps
and you are in Persistent Level
drag and drop under details not the world setting

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worked thanks

Where is world settings?? I am very new to unreal ngine