However it doesn’t repond to the question: “is it possible to test or see as a 3D object + wireframe, the assets I’m purchasing?” Or “Can I refund if the asset didn’t meet my project’s perfomance requirements or standards?”
Hey there @Mar_Olaf! I can’t speak for the refund policy, but there is an updated 3D viewer for mesh assets in the pipeline that will have different rendering modes including the wireframe.
That’s correct, it’s not currently implemented but is in the process of being added sometime soon. I know that doesn’t assist your issue at the moment however.
Hi @Mar_Olaf . If a publisher adds a 3D preview of their work to their media gallery, it is possible to inspect the mesh, materials, etc. If they decide not to add a 3D preview to their media gallery, then inspection is not possible before purchase.
For example, on this product, the second media gallery thumbnail is the 3D viewer. Clicking on the inspector button opens up the various elements of the model.