Hi, i’ve made a small landscape with the tools from unreal and a material with some small tesselation but my character is passing the texture an only using the collision from the box, ignoring the tesselation. I know that you can use complex collision on some meshes but the landscape that i created doesn’t let me adjust the mesh that it generated like if i had imported one, so can i do this some other way? thanks!
Hi WasPedro,
I have worked pretty heavily with landscape tessellation, and I have never discovered a good method for solving this issue. I think its got something to do with collision not being dynamically created while in game. What they need is a collision generator that can match the material displacement, however just have LOD’s. I’m not really sure why they don’t have something like it already, but I’m sure there is a good reason. In some ways it sort of breaks tessellation on landscapes.
The best solution I have ever found for this you can find here: