I am old enough (18+) and by law not allowed to receive money in my country, but would like to still publish an island I’m making myself. Is this possible?
“Program Requirements”:2&3
could you have your legal parent/Guardian publish the Island for you?
this would come down to an agreement between them and you on monetary splits, and “ownership”. Be clear about what intellectual property if any that is being used as by them “publishing it” for you means that they are liable for potential Intellectual Property disputes. This is actually similar to what Epic will have to do is such a dispute was to happen (Epic receives the dispute and then they point to you or in this case your parent/Guardian)
you could even have some kind of stipulation where when you reach your countries “Age of Majority” so that the rights revert to you (this is something you may need to effectively negotiate with them)
it is not that uncommon in the US for the creator of a thing to not be the one receiving the compensation for, and then to have the money re-directed later, this is how most employment, and publisher agreements end up working out.
where you are 18 years of age (this number is based on US law and the ability to legally sign a contract) but not of “Age of Majority” in your country typically this has to do with your countries taxation and legal consent more then anything where in most cases it means that your income is technically added into the income of your Parent/Guardian, so in that case depending on the jurisdiction you may need your Parent/Guardian’s consent to “earn money” or similar to the above where technically they earn the money, and it is between you and them what happens at that point.
if you are truly concerned about this process then you would need to look into the law of your jurisdiction about “claiming income” or “Age of consent” most reasonable legal systems will have their laws rather specific when it comes to legality of income, and consenting to contracts
there is also the option where you just don’t “opt into” the Monetization system until you have met Age of Majority in your country.