Can I make my lightmaps PVR for a HTML5 build?

First, are lightmaps just highly compressed DXTs for the web builds? I’m getting horrible quality with this, which is a real bummer. Interestingly, my iOS build of the same project uses PVR textures with the cook quality set to 4, and it looks much better than HTML5, getting close to PC quality in some areas. Do PVRs take up more space, or is it just smarter about its compression?

I’ve compiled this image to show you what my shadows look like from these three different platforms. Please open in a new tab and view at full resolution (it’s too big to stuff into this post). I cropped and scaled these, so if you need higher resolution screenshots, just ask. I didn’t want the whole thing to be too colossal. The compression artifacts look worse in person than they do in the screenshots. Going uncompressed isn’t really an option because I’m trying to go for a lightweight web app, which I’ve currently got packed into 18.5 MB for this empty house demo.