Can I make a Windows build with ARkit livelink?

I have working in-editor face tracking on Windows. However, when packaging the project, it does not work.

  • Is it a requirement to build for mac when including ARkit? I thought no, since it works with virutal cameras(ipads). However, I have not seen a windows project being packaged with ARkit.

  • Building on Windows, for Windows.

  • Iphone X

  • Black Matte Mocap’s “LiveLink 1.2” App

  • Self made rig and blendshapes

So far I think I have ruled out connectivity / wifi / firewall issues.

I have found out that to package a project with the Vicon plugin, one needs to manually create a new source. They have their own node for creating a Vicon source, and it’s required to be a c++ project.

IphoneXFaceAR appears when I printed out live link subjects in editor, but it does not appear when packaging.

This boils the question down to: How can I manually create a new livelink source? This sounds hardcore. There must be a simpler solution. Building with mac?

A different developer I have reached, have had a problem with the “LiveLink” app after 4.22.

  • However, for anyone out there looking to accomplish this with a different app, be aware that the node “Get Subject Data” in Unreal’s documentation is replaced by “Evaluate Live Link Frame”.

Hi, I’m now facing the same issue. Have you find out any solution? thanks

I’m now facing the same issue

Hey looks like I am facing the same thing…I have an editor project that works great with the live link face app, but when i try to package the project I cannot get live link working. I am using live link face on the iphone and a windows project build. Anyone get this to work?

use 4.26 to pkg the app. And before launch pkged app, you have to close unrealengine editor

Good to hear that this is working.