I have working in-editor face tracking on Windows. However, when packaging the project, it does not work.
Is it a requirement to build for mac when including ARkit? I thought no, since it works with virutal cameras(ipads). However, I have not seen a windows project being packaged with ARkit.
Building on Windows, for Windows.
Iphone X
Black Matte Mocap’s “LiveLink 1.2” App
Self made rig and blendshapes
So far I think I have ruled out connectivity / wifi / firewall issues.
IphoneXFaceAR appears when I printed out live link subjects in editor, but it does not appear when packaging.
This boils the question down to: How can I manually create a new livelink source? This sounds hardcore. There must be a simpler solution. Building with mac?
A different developer I have reached, have had a problem with the “LiveLink” app after 4.22.
However, for anyone out there looking to accomplish this with a different app, be aware that the node “Get Subject Data” in Unreal’s documentation is replaced by “Evaluate Live Link Frame”.
Hey looks like I am facing the same thing…I have an editor project that works great with the live link face app, but when i try to package the project I cannot get live link working. I am using live link face on the iphone and a windows project build. Anyone get this to work?