I have a game that used to work well with running the Android build of it (client) and joining a PC build of the same game (host). But now I can’t build the game to Android, because I am using a plugin that can’t work on Android (because of some Kiss FFT library or whatever). The plugin just adds a nice music-synced visual effect to the title screen which is not necessary at all and isn’t used in any of the actual gameplay levels.
So my question is, can I make another version of my game with that plugin and the blueprints that use it stripped out, build to android, and have it be able to join a session running on PC like I had it before? Or will it not see the session because they are different versions of the game with slightly different codebase?
I am asking now because it takes 6 hours to build the Android version and I want to know before I waste half the day on trying to do something that can’t be done)
Well, I finally got it to build for Android, and it doesn’t seem to be able to see any of the PC sessions like it could when they had the same code base, and the PC version doesn’t seem to be able to see the Android’s session when the Android is hosting.
What do I need to do? I’d like to preserve that feature in the PC version but having cross-platform is more important to me so if I have to drop the 2 weeks of work I did getting that feature to work then I will. But I hope someone can tell me a way that 2 different builds can play together.
It seems like this should be possible because doesn’t Fortnite run cross-platform and doesn’t the source code have to be a little different when you deploy to consoles than when you deploy to PC?
Nevermind it works! I just had to shut down my VPN I didn’t realize I had left running!
If it worked for you how were you able to connect these two “different games” I have two similar but different games which were set up separately is there a way to connect them with a local session?