Can I have a post process affect multiple objects differently?

I’ve already set up my post process material to work with custom depth. Now I’m trying to find a way to make it give different results for different objects and actors. For example, with an outline post process, if I could assign the outline color and thickness individually.

Since I get most data as a texture float, I was thinking retrieving those parameters with a float4, with rgb being the color and alpha being the thickness. But I can’t find any way to send that information to a post process material without using up existing material attributes. Custom depth only allows for 2 layers( Maybe I’m just not looking hard enough, which is possible, but the only answer I find when looking to affecting multiple actors differently is how to turn it on or off with custom depth.

I need this 2

I need this 3

Maybe U should Use CustomDepth Stencil Value to do this.

I need this, too !

(and custom depth stencil doesn’t fit my needs. My objects are flat planes, that aren’t “seen” by the custom depth stencil and they are also at different places within the scene)