Decals have a smooth gradient on it’s z axis, can i turn this feature off? I need my decals to look the same on horizontal and vertical.
Decals have fall-off that starts approximately at one third of their X size from both sides, and apparently there’s no possibility to change this fall-off. What you can do is scale the decal up by X to 5–10 and place it deeper, so that the surface would fall within the central third of the decal actor.
Edit: the decal default X size is 128 and the fall-off starts apparently at 32, so a quarter of each side. You can change the decal size or the actor scale, but ultimately the result will be the same.
You could use a box mask in your material for the decal’s opacity if you don’t need to rotate the decal.
Thanks. But with what i try to accomplish i need my decal to be applied the same horizontally and vertically at the same time
What do you mean, how would it help?
Thanks, at least like this it works