So I am just wondering if I can open the textures and meshes from the game besiege, and implement them into udk so I can play around with them? Sorry if this is an obvious question but I am fairly new to the whole game development scene. I know that besiege is based on unity, but I thought I would just throw the question out there. Cheers!
That is a question for the Game Developers for Besiege. If they give you the right to do that yes, however most games don’t give you the rights for doing that and is copyrighted.
Again, follow up with the Besiege with your question.
Hope that helps =)
Oh I wasnt gonna use their textures to create a game, more play around with it in the engine. I wouldnt use it for anything other than my very own entertainment :P. Well thanks for the answer. But even if they give me the rights, I still wouldnt know how to do it huh ?
You would need to get the original files from them, because they would be compressed and undefined formats for Unreal. I wouldn’t suggest canned program to strip assets as they are usually riddled with viruses and technically it is pirating =)
I see, thanks for the reply. I will send them an email then. Thanks again