Can I edit a material procedurally? (add/remove set of parameters)

Coming from this topic

I have a plane object with a texture (world aligned) which project a marker below each “center” object I add. (Picture left up)

I can add these “center” objects on the plane object as array of actors.

Now the problem is that for each object I add, I need to manually create a correspondent set of parameters in the material editor. (Picture in the middle, Picture on Top Right is showing the material function; Picture on the bottom is sending “center” location to the material parameters).

Can I do it procedurally?

You can certainly create a material graph using c++, this video gives an example of how to do it:

UE5 C++ 10 - How To Build Material Graph with C++? - Unreal Engine Tutorial Editor CPP (

When you know how to do this, you could for instance create the code that builds your graph with all the nodes that you need, and wrap it in some editor tool that allows you to repeat the process.

Hope it helps :slight_smile: