Can I drive a Morph Targets curve value automatically?

Hi all,

I’m doing some tests using morph targets and I read the documentation regarding those ( Still life ).

I notice that is possible to add a float track where you can both set the Morph curve and Material Curve, but the Curve itself its manually tweaked by adding keyframes in order to morph the mesh itself.

What I would like to do is to be able to control the Morph Curve value directly inside the Blueprints instead of adding keyframes inside Persona…like connecting a value that I can change on the fly whenever I want, without going each time inside persona and modify the keyframes, which is rather time consuming and always connected to Matinee…

Infact I would like to not use Matinee at all but simply be able, during runtime, to change the morph value with a custom parameter instead of animating it inside Matinee.

I also would like to do the same thing for the Material Curve, since the morph target and the material are basically linked together.

So, it is possible to drive the morph target curve value?

Hey Nicolas3D -

There is in fact a way to call your Morph Target Animation and your Dynamic Material Instance through the level blueprint. Here is a quick version of what it might look like. I have this driven off of a key pressed event but you can call this as necessary.
Hope that helps

-Eric Ketchum

Cool! Thanks for the answer!
I just notice that my typing the work “morph” inside the tab on the right there are a couple of nodes that could be helpful, one of that is “Set morph target”, which, as far as I understood, lets you apply the morph target and control the influence…I need to test if it works, but I’m also going to try your method, since looks like its working

Thanks again
