Can I develop for HTC Vive using Oculus DK2?


Currently I own a pair of Oculus DK2.

Can I develop a VR game that will work on HTC Vive, and test it with my DK2?

Is there some way of emulating the HTC Vive hand controllers?

Thanks in advance.

PS. I’ll be purchasing an HTC Vive in a couple of months, but on the meantime I need to make progress on this project.

So the short answer is, not really and I would recommend against trying. For starters, one of the major features of the HTC Vive is the roomscale VR that allows you to walk around in you Vive Space. As far as im aware you will not really be able to replicate this and test with it.

The motion controllers you could fake so long as you have some form of motion controller to use because unreal has a nice multi device motion controller component that in theory will just work for you. If you dont have any motion controllers you could in theory make an incredibly convoluted rig to adjust positions of the motion controller components.

But all this would be incredibly hackish and ugly and likely need alot of reworking once you get your Vive.

Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but it’s a correct answer.

One question though, if I leave the motion controllers and the roomscale aside for a while, if the VR part (i.e. moving the head around) works on the DK2 then it should also work on HTC Vive right?

Yeah, in theory that should work, mostly. you will have to update it for the height. as far as im aware the HTC vive and DK2 use different methods for determining head space, but you should be able to still work on environments and game play beyond the motion controllers.

Best of luck.