Can I delete lightmaps from map file?

I suspect that the lightmass lightmaps are taking up a lot of disk space in the umap file for my map. It seems wasteful to submit the lightmass assets into source control because they can be simply regenerated. So I would like to clear them out before submitting to perforce.

  1. Is there a way to see how much disk space the lightmass lightmaps are using?
  2. Can I ‘build clean’ or simply delete the lightmaps from the map file?

There’s no way to delete those assets from the map package manually. You can check bForceNoPrecomputedLighting and rebuild, that will cause them to be deleted.

Thanks! I don’t know how I missed that checkbox. It’s a dramatic reduction in file size.

Thanks for the hint, but where can i find this setting?

Within your ‘World Settings’ under the ‘Lightmass’ section there is a checkbox labeled ‘Force No Precomputed Lighting.’

World Settings



This is located in “World Settings” (Enable this panel by going to Settings in the toolbar > World Settings) located next to the Details Panel tab. If you search or scroll down to the tab labeled “Precomputed Visibility” and enable the check box.

Super awesome, thanks a lot!!

So this works but I kinda feel like it shouldn’t be a problem to begin with. Probably worth flagging this as an issue with the Engine to Epic.