When I create a material I’m happy with in the editor, it usually looks very different when applied to a mesh or brush.
For example I was doing a brick wall, and as I edited the material the bricks looked pretty big and I liked that. But when I applied it to my wall brush, the bricks were tiny and the entire wall got way too much attention.
If you’re using a static mesh you can set the materials tiling by using the Texture Coordinate node. Set the U and V values to anything you’d like to get your results. Ie. U = 4, V = 4 will be tiled four times with four rows and columns of the image tiled for that material.
If you’re using the BSP/Geometry brush you can do the same with the texture coordinate node or you can go into the selected face settings for the BSP through the details panel on the right and set the U and V scale and apply.