Can I create look like this shader? (or similar?)
Aren’t the main elements in this drawn in some software?
The only real shader stuff I can tell are vignette, DoF, bit of color change, and perhaps a mild amount of chromatic aberration towards the edges (Or it could just be my eyes).
Though they did a really good job of making it look 3d, I’m curious as to how they managed that, or if it was 3d the entire time and they made it look slightly 2d.
This seems to be drawn. I’m pretty sure they’ve drawn the different elements (people) in 2D, then composited them together using software that has 3D capabilities. To be clearer, I think each person is put on a separate plane, which all have different distance from the camera, then probably some Depth of Field, chromatic abberation and some other postprocess goodies on top of that. Awesome game btw =)
It is drawn. Appears though that it isn’t entirely 2D parallax composition and uses 3D characters in the foreground (see entire video)
Here is a tutorial for a recreating a similar appearance in Mudbox/Photoshop/Maya with Borderlands as reference which has roughly the same comical style: