Hello I am a modeler , rigger , animator. However beyond the scripting and limited programming I do with MEL and Python I certainly am not a Programmer. I am interested in creating an Arena style gladiator level , (fighting game) actually this would just be a small portion of a much larger endeavor as it is simply a small chapter/portion of a larger plan for an open sandbox style RPG with multi player capabilities. At the moment I do not wish to concern my self with the larger project , but am interested in creating a working demo of what would be the Arena area.
IS this possible with the blueprint system ? Is the first question
and the second , any advice on where to begin… Assets animation and integration is not an issue… Howerver the type of framework , networking and coding and or blueprint use alludes me as to a starting point.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
If anyone wish’s to contact me or possibly has interested in helping create this , my email is faroucstudio@gmail.com
I am a programer and I can promise you that, you can use Blueprint to make any gameplay logic.(Networ function is not that good, I even cannot find the right node to rename my server.)
But the problem is Blueprint runs far more slow than c++. Tiny project is fine, but when your project get lagger, the performance will be poor.
4.12 released a new feature which can convert Blueprint to C++, but it is still a beta function. Hope Epic will do better.
Hey, I know my way around C++ and would be interested in working with you, but your email doesn’t work! Would you mind updating it?