Can I change the speed of the volumetric clouds?

Can I change the speed of the volumetric clouds? If yes,how?

Interesting that no one has answered this. I too am having trouble figuring out how to change the speed of VolumetricClouds in UE5. Should be simple right, but searching all parameters for Clouds, Sky, Atmosphere, etc., I can find it. I’m overlooking something I’m sure.

Any help out there?

Hello Roby!

In order to change the volumetric Clouds speed you have to acces the material instance of the clouds.

1- Open the material instance of the clouds by selecting the volumetric clouds asset on the outliner.

2- Scroll down the “Global Vector Parameter Values” in the material instance and look for “WindVector” parameter, the “R” and “G” values will change the speed in the X and Y axis, the higher the number, the faster the cloud would appear.

Hope this helps!


thanks mate