can i change the min range of falloff distance for sounds ?


Is it possible to start the attenuation of a sound at a custom radius ?

I am representing the sun (very large sphere) and i put a deep furnace sound when you approach.

I would like this sound to be maximum at the surface of the sun, not at its center.

So what i would like would be:

  • from 0 to “my chosen radius” = max sound

  • from “my chosen radius” to “falloff distance” = attenuation

instead of the current:

  • from 0 to “falloff distance” = attenuation

Or maybe is there a way to make a custom attenuation function (then i can do my maths and put a smooth step function) ?

update: rephrasing my question: can i have an extended sound source (instead of a point-like one) ?


The basic attenuation options should provide this though I’ll admit the parameters perhaps aren’t as clear as they could be. If you set your Attenuation Shape to Sphere then you can set Radius and Falloff Distance parameters - Radius isn’t the entire radius of the sound, it’s the point at which the sound starts fading. Your falloff distance is a range not a maximum distance so if you have a radius of 1000 and a falloff distance of 4000 the sound will start fading at 1000 units and you will stop hearing the sound at 5000 units.

You might also want to make use of the Non-Spatialized Radius parameter, which will prevent the sound from being spatialized below a set radius. So if you were to somehow get inside the radius of your sun, the sound would appear to come from all around you instead of the centre of the sphere.

Thank you very much !