Hi there,
Newbie to lighting and fog settings.
Is there a way to increase a black fog in blueprint? If so I can then use the Fog Density parameter it increment slowly when it becomes night time (currently I am looking to have a sun set to nighttime transition in the level) as without it, the environment (pavement / buildings / etc) seem very bright.
As a sneaky follow up it would be good to be able to at least enable or disable it.
Thanks for any assisstance.
You can enable and disable it, and yes you can change its density. Just use a Get All Actors of Class node to find the Atmospheric Fog actor.
If you wish to have a day/night cycle with proper darkness, I wouldn’t recommend using black fog, as it would even further increase exposure. You should check the video with the day/night cycle in UE 4.5 release notes. They achieve it with ray traced shadows.
Many thanks! I will look into that now.