I’m having a very difficult time figuring out how to import animation that incorporates shape keys, animated via drivers, into UE4. The best information I found was this thread: https://answers.unrealengine.com/que...h-drivers.html but it didn’t solve my problem. Currently I have tried importing a mesh with apply modifiers turned off, which gives me a jumbled mess of a mesh, importing the armature only (which the drivers are theoretically attached to), and importing both the mesh and the armature to see that nothing is animating at all.
Are the drivers tied to the armature? The only Unreal tutorials I’ve found that handle shape keys don’t have drivers and import the morph target only into the engine. This is very limiting as animation would then have to be done via code in unreal. Question is, can I animate shape keys via drivers in Blender and export that animation into Unreal?
I have spent all week trying to figure this out, still not happening for me either. I made sure my bone that drives the shape key is centered so the shape key starts at 0, and I export from frame 0, still no luck. I am using Blender 2.78. I export the mesh and the rig, using ascii 6, selected objects, mesh and bones, thinking the mesh has the baked shape keys, I uncheck apply modifiers. I import morph targets when I unreal import the fbx, still, no luck
I got it!!! Export not with ascii, but with FBX 7.4 binary. I thought the apply modifiers is on the second tab, the geometry tab, deselect it. Hallelujah, It works!!!
I just tried it on UE 4.15, it’s working, but you have to retarget to the original mesh. Unless you really dont care if you have hundreds of duplicated meshes/skeletons.
Can you please explain all the settings you used to make this work? I have turned off apply modifiers and it still doesn’t work. Also, I would like to be able to leave apply modifiers if at all possible, because my mesh has an inverted outline made with the solidify modifier.