Can I Add/Build a Module with only other module`s .h and dll

Classes folder was discarded in the later builds. This folder was reserved for UObjects but they now reside in Private folder with the rest of the private code

If you are modifying the engine, you’ll need the private code anyway since that is what makes up the implementation of the engine. If you are not modifying the engine, try creating this as a plugin so you don’t have to deal with the engine code

If I only have a engine without source code in private,just like 4.0.2 version
(our team want to build a engine version just like 4.0.2 to some special developers, they do not need get all the source code and they can concentration on the module they develop)


what should I do to use 4.20 build a version just like 4.0? developers can add their own module and build this module for testing without private code

thanks ,but I`m still confused.
Imagine I am adding a new plugin,I want to build and test it without whole soure code just like below(this is 4.0 version C++ project without engine source)


And Further More,I want to control any module in the project like this picture


I can not see the private source(and no need to change it) but i can still build and run my plugin with .h and other module`s dll

I find a similar solution about plugin
And My destination is use this for other moudules,not just for plugins

You’d create a Plugins folder in your game project folder instead of the engine folder.

After that, regenerate your vs project file and you can see your plugin added to visual studio for your to develop and edit. This can also be used with the launcher’s binary engine version

You can then pass the plugin around to other developers and have them copy this to their game project’s plugin folder

What Id like to do is give plugin-developers a engine with no .cpp. for example,I d build a engine and delete all the .cpp files in private folder,then i give these files and dlls to plugin-developers. they use this engine version to create their plugin ,build and test.
My idea is to skip build all the modules which have no .cpp,I am not sure if it is possible