Can Area scatter be used for grass? (I'm getting way to little of it)

Hello everyone.
I always created grass by modeling another floor in Revit which I would push down underneath the ground surface, this way I could use it to precisely place grass with scatter tool. Basically like this:

So when new area scatter was introduced I thought I could use it to scatter grass without modeling additional geometry just for grass scatter.
But I can’t get it to work. Since the spacing is limited to 1 meter it can’t generate grass dense enough.

Am I doing something wrong, or is it not still possible to use it for grass.

Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately at the moment, it is not possible to use the current scatter tool for grass. This is due to the high density required by grass geometry. However a new tool for scattering grass is on the works for a future TM version. You can view this feature on the roadmap and also vote for it so it becomes visible to the developers: