Hi Folks,
first I have to say that I’m new to nDisplay, but already got the InCameraVFX example to work.
I’m trying to output 4 cameras straight to dedicated viewports in nDisplay. I don’t need camera reprojection, frustums or tracking. Just 4 static cameras in Unreal, assigned to 4 viewports in nDisplay.
To keep it simple at first, i just started with one camera. As described in the nDisplay documentation I created a new blueprint to set my camera to the nDisplay viewport.
But even with my pretty simple configuration, nDisplay only shows a black window.
I’m currently running UE 4.26.0. My Config file and Blueprint are attached below.
[info] version=“23”
[cluster_node] id=“node_TopLeft” addr=“” window=“wnd_TopLeft” master=“true” sound=“true”
[window] id=“wnd_TopLeft” viewports=“vp_demo” fullscreen=“false” WinX=“50” WinY=“50” ResX=“800” ResY=“800”
[viewport] id=“vp_demo” x=“0” y=“0” width=“800” height=“800” projection=“proj_camera_demo”
[projection] id=“proj_camera_demo” type=“camera”
[general] swap_sync_policy=“1”
[network] cln_conn_tries_amount=“10” cln_conn_retry_delay=“1000” game_start_timeout=“30000” barrier_wait_timeout=“5000”