Camera Settings

Hi, I have to render scene with the same look like that image. I’ve got problem with setting resolution of the camera. It’s something about 7000x1200 . Even if I use filmback sensors (width and height) there is always perspective distortion on the both sides of view. Can someone help ?

You need to render a different projection than the supported planar projection.

My guess is that that image is a cylindrical projection?

There are a few ways to achieve that. Probably the easiest, is to set up three cameras, each with slightly more than one-third the field of view needed, and render a slightly taller than necessary target – something like 2560x1800, per camera, with a bit of overlap between them.

Render each camera to a separate render target texture.

Then, when rendering the final scene, do it in 2D, rendering each of the textures in the appropriate point on the screen, but stretching the texture coordinates of the output texture to compensate for the planar-to-cylindrical warping, in the shader for that 2D presentation.

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Yes, you’re right- it is a cylindrical projection. There will be animation of particles and wind so in my way of thinking fiew cameras gonna make mess in final choreography. I mean there will be hard to set all 3 views when all animation is not repeatable. Maybe I’m too much noob in UN and there is the way to make sure that every of these 3 videos gonna be exactly the same but from different view.

…but you gave me great idea to render it with camera settings for 360 videos and crop the middle part in postproduction (after effect). So thank you anyway :slight_smile:

You should add all three cameras to the same scene, and make them each render to a separate render target. This is similar to how you’d do “security camera” type screen captures, for example. (Or real time reflection capture.)
They will capture the exact same scene.
Something like: Make a “three cameras” blueprint that contains three camera components, and make three render targets, each of them bound to a separate camera.
(The details may vary slightly – I forget whether the RT needs to target an Actor, or can target a camera component.)

If 360 rendering works instead, then good!