Hello everyone,
Great thank for your attention about my problem.
I’m making a short video in UE4. I do animtions for characters and camera in Maya, then export to fbx, then import to UE4. In UE4, I use martinee to compose animation and add some simple effect.
Please take a look at the attached image. The left 3 images are some screenshots when I drag the timeline in Martinee, The right ones are the views when I press play or render. My problem is:
When I drag the cursor in Martinee timeline to preview, everything look ok. But When I press Play or render, the camera become different: some are close to my expect (2nd screenshot), but some are very different (3rd screenshot).
I’m new to Unreal engine, so maybe I got a basic mistake. I searched some place but can’t find my problem. Please give me some suggest, or keywords, or anything related to this.
Thanks a lot for your attentions.
Did anyone get this problem before?
Please help me.
Maybe provide more info about your matinee/camera setup. Is it attached to something which could cause the offset?
How about this is being caused by different aspect ratios of preview and render?
Thanks for your reply,
I created a new camera inside UE4, the problem is still there. I just add key (position and rotation) of camera inside Martinee, the camera isn’t attached to anything.
I do nothing in blueprint but a little modify to increase quality render:
When I press Play, the camera isn’t always wrong, but sometime, it looks like panned from the right position (like my picture in the question).
Thanks for your attention,
My camera aspect Ratio is 16:9 (1.777778)
and my render size is 1280x720, it’s 16:9 too.
Did I miss something?
And what is the viewport size, where you are previewing it?
Do you have Constraint Aspect Ratio enabled or disabled in the cam settings?
I checked Constrain aspect Ration in Camera details, and its aspect ratio is 1.777. As for the viewport size, please show me how to check it.
Thank you
With Constrain Aspec Ratio enabled , black borders should appear, if output aspect ratio differs from the camera.
yes when I drag the timeline in Martinee, the black borders appear. But I did set the render resolution is 16:9. This resolution is different to the output aspect ratio, isn’t it?
If so, how can I change the output aspect ratio of viewport?
Anyone out there can help me?
Hello everyone,
I have some new information, just find out this morning. When I decrease the quality of the scene (engine scalabilty settings), the camera’s error decreases, too. With the Low quality, my camera’s almost similar to I expect. I think the problem is that the camera animation didn’t sync with characters’ animations.
So anyone know how to sync all actors’animations in each frame?
Thanks for your attention.
I heard that there’s no simple way to solve this problem. If I want to sync time between the camera and all actor’s animation, I need to use a bit code or blueprint. But I have no idea where to start. Can you give me any hint or keyword to begin?
Best regards,