Hello, I’m really hoping someone has an easy solution for this, as it is driving me insane.
I have been following the basic vehicle setup video tutorial on youtube, and got to the end of the first section without any issues.
I used the provided FBX car, took it into max, scaled it to be like mine for piece of mind, exported it and went on with the tutorial (a body with four wheels and no bones) added it to unreal, setup the camera etc. No issues.
When I was happy that I knew what I was doing, I then started again, but this time using my model (so from the same max file, same export settings, scale and direction etc, and linked the same way - but with some calipers on the model too.)
This is where things go wrong, when I add the camera component to the model as before, and hit play, the camera position is way off, it is now on the floor near the front of the car, and facing to its side. I must be doing something wrong, but I just cant work it out.
If I remove the mesh and press play the camera is where it should be, when I add the mesh again it jumps back to the weird position.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 
Thanks in advance!
Here is an image to show what I mean using simulation
I have found a workaround, If I set the parent socket from none to the body of the car, it stays permanently at the weird location, and I can then set it properly from then.
But what is causing this?
Thanks again