I think I’ve noticed a potential bug within UE4.10 with regards to using SteamVR/the Vive.
I’ve noticed that if I play back my game in VR Preview with the Vive, then exit out of the VR Preview and play back in normal Play in Editor preview, my First Person Camera is now offset in terms of both location and rotation by the last reported orientation of the Vive.
It’s most noticeable in my project because the project follows rollercoaster style, i.e. you’re on rails the entire time.
To duplicate:
- Make a project with some kinda matinee that moves the player controller around via a target point.
- Play it back normally in Play in Editor to get a reference for your normal height/rotation.
- Go into VR Preview and play it back. Maybe sit down on the floor while it’s playing back, and twist around backwards or something. Exit the preview.
- Play it back as PIE again.
Anyone else having this issue?