Camera lock and unlock on input

Hello. I am trying to set up a camera control scheme so the camera rotation only works if Alt is pressed down. The camera axis movement works for the most part. I am new and I am trying to set up a top down camera movement similar to that of Kenshi.

Hey @wowyswag1! Welcome to the forums!

I also am a Kenshi player! So I at least know what you’re getting at.

Let’s get some screenshots of your current camera code, you SHOULD be able to set up an input event that when pressed sets a bool true(something like “CameraRotationOptionALT”).

You could create an isAltPressed? Boolean variable. When pressed the input Alt, set it to true and on released set it to false. Then for your camera rotation just do an if statement (branch) with the isAltPressed? Boolean as the condition. :slight_smile: