Camera lag make client jitter on platforms


I’ve been wondering why my character jitters on the client side when on a platform, whether they rotate or change position.

After 15 hours (no kidding) of meticulous testing, I disabled the camera lag, and suddenly all my problems were gone.

No more jittery movement on platforms, everything runs so smoothly in multiplayer now. So cool.
HOWEVER, now my movement feels so rigid, it’s awful. The camera lag added a really smooth, stylish feel to the movement, and it looked great.

So now I’m stuck and asking for help. How can I make camera lag work properly in multiplayer?
Any ideas? Has anyone else experienced this?

Thanks so much!

It’s crazy i feel i’m the only one on earth who has this problem ?

here is a video…


Geez, this could be any number of things.

The first question I have is about your platforms themselves:

  1. Are they Blueprints?
  2. What class of Blueprint are they?
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yes they are, they’re actors and they move with a timeline

It’s even worse with interp movement or move component to.


This is what I was afraid of.

Moving platforms should always be set to PAWN not ACTOR.

They need to be set to Pawn. But, for some reason, resetting the class doesn’t quite work, so you’ll need to create all-new Blueprints of the PAWN class. Then you could copy your code into those new Blueprints.

It may not be the ONLY issue you have, though, but I guarantee it’s part of the issue.

Okay so i just created a new pawn class, pasted my code inside and, it’s moving as intented but the problem stay the same…!

Does setting Enable Camera Lag to False, and Enable Camera Rotation Lag to True remedy this?

Hi, you can’t enable camera rotation lag if camera lag is disabled :stuck_out_tongue:

For clarity:
Enable Camera Lag = Location lag.
Enable Camera Rotation Lag = Rotation lag.

The current “Enable Camera Lag” option name isn’t very clear as indicates it enables or disables lag in general.

Ahhh sorry i was not saying this properly,

I’m mostly interested in camera lag not camera rotation lag

If i disable camera lag and let camera rotation lag it’s working but i’m loosing the interesting camera lag

Got it. I usually start debugging from basic/simple things, does setting DoCollisionTest to False for the SpringArm make any difference? I noticed a camera snap when the player character is at a specific angle on the rotating platform.

Disabling the collision test does not solve the issue…

i’ve been trying to solve this for over a month now, i also tried custom camera lag with Vinterpto and it result in exactly the same issue

When you play only as client does it jitter less or is it the same? So when you play in a single window with Num Of Players: 1 and Net Mode: Play as Client.

Also, what engine version are you using? and do you have the Modeling plugin enabled?

When i play as client only it’s the same issue.
I’m using 5.4.4 and modeling tool plugin is enabled but disabling it doesn’t change anything


I hope someone who had this issue come by !

Personally I’d leave the lift actor as an Actor and use Repnotifies to handle movement of the lift.

Server would set the Up/Down Rep Notify var. The Onrep function would call the time line start/reverse based on the up/down value.

Replication system will send the onrep change and have each client trigger the movement locally.

Camera jitter is coming from the replicated movement of the lift.

Using the same settings for camera lag, no jitter.