Camera is going crazy when character is moving backwards

Camera is going crazy when character is moving backwards or side ways. Image is tearing. Both first and third person cameras. FPSC has lowest tearing, however the TPSC is glitching a lot.
Camera is attached to character’s head.
Moving forwards is ok.

You have concurrent updates in your blueprints.
Something tells camera to look forward, something else to rotate.
Most probably is that you have camera arm set to inherit some rotation from controller.
You either find what is fighting what over camera rotation.
Or you add camera lag (this is bandaid solution).

Look at the character movement component and uncheck “Orient Rotation to Movement”. See if that fixes the issue.

1 Like

Thanks, working perfectly now.

Dude, thank you so much. That was totally my issue.

I meant to say thanks on this post not the other there. Though he was still awesome.

this helped me, thank you