Camera freezes while Interpolating, then snaps back to normal when movement is added

I got a weird bug. I’m tilting the camera left and right depending on sideways movement, id Style. I do it by using FInterpTo directly on the camera’s roll every frame using Tick. The problem is now, when I stop all movement, the camera doesn’t return all the way to the center. It’s weird because the function is still Ticking, and the camera’s Roll is returning all the way to 0, but it freezes slightly tilted. The moment I move (mouse or keyboard movement), it snaps back to normal.

Here is the function that sets the lean by interpolating the Camera’s roll between the center value (0.0) and the target value.

void AFPCharacter::UpdateCameraLean(float DeltaTime)
	if (PlayerCamera)
		if (!bIsMovingLeft && !bIsMovingRight)
			TargetLean = 0.0f;
		if (bIsMovingRight)
		 	TargetLean = RightLean; 
		if (bIsMovingLeft)
			TargetLean = LeftLean;
		DefaultLean = FMath::FInterpTo(DefaultLean, TargetLean, DeltaTime, LeanSpeed);
		PlayerCamera->RelativeRotation.Roll = DefaultLean;

The problem is that, the value is changing properly, but the viewport doesn’t center completely.

Here is an example. The White text is saying that the camera’s roll is set to 0, despite the camera still being tiled.
Now if I add any movement at all, either keyboard or mouse movement, it snaps back to the center.

Any ideas? I can post more info if needed.

Does UpdateCameraLean execute every tick no matter what?

Yes it is. I printed to the screen to check and it not only runs every frame, but it also updates the camera’s rotation properly. The problem is that the viewport stays stuck leaning until movement is inputted.

That is weird. I wonder if there is a separate function to update the viewport that gets called when movement inputs are processed. Wouldnt make much sense but that is all I can think of at the moment.