Camera fade when transitioning levels

When a level loads I want the camera to start faded out, to show a black screen. Once all the players are in the level, then I would like to start fading the camera back in. I’m able to do this by calling fade out at the begin play of my custom camera manager class but there is a frame or two where the level is visible before the camera fades.

So how can I start a level with the camera faded out?

I believe it’s because camera fading out at begin play, and not starting in faded out state. Probably using “Set Manual Camera Fade” would be more helpful.

SetManualCameraFade didn’t fix the issue. From my understanding, a ActorCamera is spawned by default a couple frames before PlayerCameraManager calls SetManualCameraFade in BeginPlay. Also, it’s worth noting that my issue doesn’t occur during a single player game.

I’m having this same problem too, on a Quest VR multiplayer game, but I haven’t solved it yet.
Clients only see that frame in which the level is loading before the character is created and the camera starts fading.
Have you found a solution?

I know this is old, but I had the same problem, and I ended up fixing it by overriding the SetViewTarget from my camera viewport and doing SetManualCameraFade(1, FColor::Black, false) and then just fading out whenever I wanted.

Hope that helps somebody!

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You can change “Gamma” from post process volume of your camera to be 0 at the beginning and then change it (lerp it) to 1. This may fix the issue.