Hello. I am doing a basic start camera fade. When I play it in simulate, it works perfect, but when I launch the app to Oculus Go and try the fade inside, it doesnt work.
I have tried to activate the bloom in the default postprocess settings but it havent worked.
Anyone knows why occurs this and how can I make to work?
I think on Unreal version below something like 4.11 (can’t remember exactly which one) bloom is disabled for splitscreen - maybe this applies to VR as well?
Just to get things fading I have added a Widget to the pawn which contains a ‘Color and opacity’ track on an empty image covering the complete widget. When I want to fade in or out, I just play this animation.
UPDATE: I figured it out and added an answer to this question.
How do you use it? At least to me, it’s not clear from the description. Furthermore, I want to use C++, not blueprints. I am using a Quest, btw. What component do you apply that on? Do you need to make a new Stereo Layer or you can already do it on the camera and it works?
I was really annoyed by there not being any comprehensive source of information for creating a fade effect in mobile VR - which should be a very simple thing to achieve.
Therefore, I have used the suggested functionality linked by PiroKun (https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/unreal/latest/concepts/unreal-color-functions/ ) and linear inerpolation to achieve a fade effect on mobile VR and detailed the approach. Please consult my blog post below, in order to see the detailed code samples and explanation on how I made it work: