NEWS. 05/22/2021. Solutions rendering. Text tutorial.

Solution 1. Sequencer+JPG system

Let’s start by trying a new method that supports TAA. With it, you can achieve a smooth image and excellent quality.

-Select Camera Rec 360
-Find Screen Shot JPG system
-REC → True
-Record Mode → Sequencer
-Quality(Size Output) → 4096 or more. The higher the value, the higher the pixel quality. But be careful, sometimes the engine can crash. Max Limit 8192 (16384x8192 — it’s very big quality), recomended try 4096 (8192x4096) or 6144 (12288x6144)
-AntiAliasing → 4
-Output Size X → You can specify the size of the output image, it can match the texture quality, or specify your size.You can choose high values. Sometimes it is not necessary to raise the quality very high.
-Path → result 360 images
-Name → Name final image
Open Sequencer and
-Select Custom and size = 100x100.
-Output ->Temp folder.
We will not use the sequencer for rendering, only for temporary files and correct frame calculation.
And start capture.

Solution 2. Sequencer+PNG system It can work exactly the same way.

But you will need to additionally specify the desired framerate, and the texture quality.
In this case, the HighResShot system is used. This is longer than JPG.
But this method is good for raytracing in game mode. But it does not support taa in this mode. You need to use sequencer or Movie render.

Solution 3.
You can use the JPG and PNG systems, in game mode, without using the sequencer (Not support TAA).
PNG System.

JPG system.

Solution 4. Using Sequencer +TAA→and not Limit. Max size 16384x16384

You can use the sequencer to bypass the restrictions.
Separate Process + inherit console command -RESX=10000 -RESY=5000 (this size for output images).
And Start Capture
For TAA support, please select in Camera Rec 360 → PNG system → Custom Render → FullPostProcess.

Do not forget to disable the REC values in JPG and PNG systems, otherwise you will have several systems running at once.

Solution 5. Using Movie Render + TAA
Tutorial 12. Camera360 and Movie Render Pipeline (High Quality Media Export) - YouTube or Tutorial 15. Archviz Raytracing + Camera 360 - YouTube

  1. As for Movie Render and the activated FullPostProcess mode.

  2. To have the correct colors when rendering. You need the Unlit mode, as well as the disabled Tone Curve.

  3. Activate Custom PostProcess → FullPostProcess

  4. Added deffered Rendering (Unlit) (in 4.26) and try using disable multisample effects (This will remove the ghost effect or bifurcation of the frame (if available))

  5. Added Anti-aliasing (working).

  6. Color Output → Disable Tone Curve for correct color.

  7. If you use a Sequencer or a screenshot system (png, jpg), these steps are already added to the code and the colors are correct when rendering.