12/15/22 Original Post Not sure if this is my own scripting mistake or if it’s a bug. Thanks in advice for the help!
I’m trying to play a the Cinematic Sequence for the Instigator Only, so I chose “Instigator Only” for Visibility in the Details Panel.
When I use Event Bindings with a Button, Switch, or Trigger, the sequence plays for the instigating player. (Though I’m not actually sure if it’s only playing for the instigating player or for everyone, because I’m testing my map solo.)
However, when I try scripting this with Verse, adding the same Button, Switch, or Trigger as properties on my Verse device, the sequence doesn’t play for the instigating player. It does play when I choose “Everyone” for the Visibility option on the Cinematic Sequencer Device.
This is my script below. Am I doing something wrong? Also, if I want the Cinematic Sequence to play for the instigating player only, why am I not required to RegisterPlayer the same way I need to for the Audio Player Device? Why isn’t it CinematicSequenceX.Play(Player)?
using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
using { /EpicGames.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }
log_AudioInstigatorTest := class(log_channel){}
AudioInstigatorTest := class(creative_device):
Logger:log = log{Channel:=log_AudioInstigatorTest}
@editable ButtonTest:button_device = button_device{}
@editable SwitchTest:switch_device = switch_device{}
@editable TriggerTest:trigger_device = trigger_device{}
@editable CinSeqTest:cinematic_sequence_device = cinematic_sequence_device{}
Logger.Print("AudioInstigatorDevice started")
OnButtonInteracted(Player:player):void = {
Logger.Print("Button Interacted With")
OnSwitchTurnedOn(Player:player):void = {
Logger.Print("Switch Turned On")
OnTriggered(Player:player):void = {
Logger.Print("Trigger Triggered")
1/2/23 Update:
Sharing a link to a related post about starting and stopping the Cinematic Sequence for instigator only, by @KyleDev . In that post, @AxelCapek recommends solving my problem by combining Event Binding with Verse. So, I can’t activate a Cinematic Sequence for instigating player using Verse, but I can use Verse to activate a Trigger Device, and the Trigger would activate the Cinematic Sequence for the instigating player.