Calling conditional_button_device.GetItemCount() on a dead player returns -1

I’ve made a revive HUD that I display when my players are dead, they can revive using a specific item if they have it.

Problem is that calling GetItemCount() on a dead player seem to always return -1

I think this is the same issue that prevents you from calling conditional_button_device.Activate() that should consume an item on a dead player but won’t actually consume it (despite being able to grant items to them)

UPDATE: Calling it the exact frame the player dies seem to work, for example :

# OnBegin

OnPlayerEliminated(Agent: agent) : void =

CountItemsEachFrame(Agent: agent)<suspends>:void=
    Print("{CanReviveConditionalButton.GetItemCount(Agent, 0)}") # Works
    Print("{CanReviveConditionalButton.GetItemCount(Agent, 0)}") # -1
    Print("{CanReviveConditionalButton.GetItemCount(Agent, 0)}") # -1
    Print("{CanReviveConditionalButton.GetItemCount(Agent, 0)}") # -1

Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative