Scenario: Base class has a custom Multicast event (pic 1). A Child of that Base class overrides and calls the parent event (pic 2).
What happens on the Sever: The server calls the Multicast event on a Child instance. (pic3) The Child instance’s custom Multicast fires, and it calls the parent custom event. Fin.
What happens on the Client: The Client’s custom multicast event fires, calls the parent custom event. ANOTHER custom multicast event fires, calls the parent custom event. Fin.
Why? It appears that when the server executes a call on the child multicast event, then the base multicast event both trigger RPC calls down to the client. So if I were to have a Child2 which is a child of the first child, the client would fire 3 times for a single server call. Is this expected behavior and is there a best practice to avoid?