"Call in Editor" Add Component, Delete Component

How to Add Component inside “Call in Editor” Function ?

When I “Add Component by Class” node inside “Call in Editor” with simple “Sphere Collision” - I see on the Scene in Called Actor Sphere is showing up !
But in components list it does not appear ! And if I move a little this Actor, Sphere disappear !

In the other way, If Actor has by default Component Sphere and inside “Call in Editor” function with GetComponentsByClas->“For each Loop”->DestroyComponent, it tell me in “Output Log”: “Error: May not destroy component SphereComponent…”.

The same happen if my Actor hasn’t SphereComponent but I Add it by “Call in Editor” function and then destroy all components returned by GetComponentsByClass. I have errors on old Components not destroyed properly “Error: May not destroy component SphereComponent…”

Anyone know is it possible to Add/Delete Component to Actor in “Call in Editor” function ?

Possibly duplicate (post without solution):


I solved this problem by inherit from SSCSEditor and call method “PerformComboAddClass”. This function can add visible component like after click green button “Add Component”.

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Can you give some sample code of how you did that. I’ve been struggling with this for a while now. Thanks in advanced.

Yeah, Epic in unknown reason try to take away from us possibility to use same functionality as in editor (green button Add Component).

First you need to create new class (.h file):

include “SSCSEditor.h”

UActorComponent * DoAddComponent (UObject * obj, UClass * ComponentClass);

and .cpp file:

extern UNREALED_API UEditorEngine * GEditor;

UActorComponent * SEdit::DoAddComponent (UObject * obj, UClass * ComponentClass)
SelectRoot ();
return PerformComboAddClass (ComponentClass, EComponentCreateAction::SpawnExistingClass, nullptr); /// Protected method need to be Run in Child of SSCSEditor Class

Second you add to your custom actor or blueprint function library this function (.cpp file):

UActorComponent * UBPL::AddComponentInEditor (UObject * BlueprintAsset, UClass * ComponentClass)
UActorComponent * Comp = nullptr;

if (GEditor)
if (BlueprintAsset)
GEditor->SelectActor (dynamic_cast<AActor *>(BlueprintAsset), false, false, false, true); /// Refresh Actor instance - Unselect Actor

  	TSharedPtr<SEdit> sedit;
  	sedit = SAssignNew (sedit, SEdit)
  		.EditorMode (EComponentEditorMode::ActorInstance)
  		.ActorContext (dynamic_cast<AActor *>(BlueprintAsset));
  	Comp = sedit->DoAddComponent (BlueprintAsset, ComponentClass);

  	sedit.Reset ();												/// Remove Shared Pointer Reference. Because it is only one reference, Object "sedit" is destroyed.
  	GEditor->SelectActor (dynamic_cast<AActor *>(BlueprintAsset), true, true, true, true);			/// Refresh Actor instance - Select Actor 


return Comp;

This code take me many days to dig into Editor code and many trials.
This code concern UE 5.0.3.
For UE 4.27.2 code different a little.

I think Epic guys should expose this function for programmers in some kind of API. Same as many others functions and do not force developers to use tricks.

@Ldwork_Gamedev wish you good code :slight_smile:

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