Call event without Agent

I need to Lock a lock_device after a condition is met in Verse code. I do not have an Agent at the time of execution. So, how do I call the Lock event with a fake agent?

Hi. here you are.

Agent := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()[0]

Can’t you also just not use the agent in the execution code?

No, agent is required in the Lock method… unless I am missing something.

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I believe it’s the same thing for timed_objective_device and explosive_device. Also keep in mind that an agent is not necessarily a player, this can help in certain situations :person_shrugging:

Alternatively, maybe you can call it without an agent if you use creative 1.0 bindings instead :thinking:

Can you trigger the lock device with a trigger device in the game, then send Trigger() from Verse device to activate that trigger, which then activates the lock?