Call Cone Check from C++

Is it possible to call the cone check decorator node from in code somehow? Or will I need to just take the logic from within the node and create my own functions.



There is no nice way to use cone check outside of the behavior tree, but the cone check is actually pretty easy. It’s basically those lines:

FORCEINLINE bool UBTDecorator_ConeCheck::CalcConditionImpl(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory) const
	const UBlackboardComponent* BBComponent = OwnerComp.GetBlackboardComponent();

	FVector ConeDir;
	FVector DirectionToObserve;

	return CalculateDirection(BBComponent, ConeOrigin, Observed, DirectionToObserve)
		&& CalculateDirection(BBComponent, ConeOrigin, ConeDirection, ConeDir)
		&& ConeDir.CosineAngle2D(DirectionToObserve) > ConeHalfAngleDot;

which boils down to

bool IsInsideOfCone(FVector ObserverLocation, FVector ObserverLookDirection, float ConeHalfAngle, FVector TargetLocation)
  float ConeHalfAngleDot = FMath::Cos(FMath::DegreesToRadians(ConeHalfAngle));
  FVector DirectionToTaget = (TargetLocation - ObserverLocation).GetSafeNormal();
  return ObserverLookDirection.CosineAngle2D(DirectionToTaget) > ConeHalfAngleDot;
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Thanks for the answer, it did end up working. Here is my implementation.

bool UTASK_Idle::IsInsideCone(FVector _observerLocation, FVector _observerLookDirectionNorm, float _coneHalfAngle, float _coneLength, FVector _targetLocation) {

	FVector ObserverLookDirection = _observerLookDirectionNorm * _coneLength; // Direction of cone, including length
	float fConeHalfAngle = FMath::Cos(FMath::DegreesToRadians(_coneHalfAngle));
	FVector DirectionToTarget = (_targetLocation - _observerLocation).GetSafeNormal();

	// Check angle between direction to target and cone angle
	bool InInfiniteCone = ObserverLookDirection.CosineAngle2D(DirectionToTarget) > fConeHalfAngle;

	//	GetWorld(),
	//	_observerLocation,
	//	_observerLookDirectionNorm,
	//	_coneLength,
	//	FMath::DegreesToRadians(_coneHalfAngle),
	//	0.0f,
	//	100.0f,
	//	FColor::Red,
	//	true,
	//	5.0f

	// If inside of the infinitely long cone
	if (InInfiniteCone)
		float fDistance = FVector::Dist(_observerLocation, _targetLocation);
		if (fDistance > _coneLength)
			if (GEngine) GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(0, 0.0f, FColor::Cyan, "Deer can't see the player.");
			if (GEngine) GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(0, 0.0f, FColor::Cyan, "Deer can see the player!");

		// Check distance
		return fDistance <= _coneLength;
		return false;