Call Broadcast on Server to reach UI

What would be the easiest/most efficient way to Broadcast a Multicast Delegate on the Server and have it reach a Client-side UI?

In my project, I perform calculations on the Server and send a Broadcast to other components and UI that are listening. Problem is, I want the UI, which exists on Client only, to listen to these broadcasts so that they can pop up a notification to the player.

I appreciate the advice!

There are a few ways to do it.

As a simple example: Supposing your calculation is done by the GameMode, it should call an event in a client’s shared object, like GameState.

GameState (or your object) can either broadcast to the player UI, or have a reference to the widget directly.

GameMode (Server Only)

GameState (Multicast)


As I said, it’s just a simple example, and there are more elaborated methods, but it depicts the main concept. Hope it helps.

Will do.

I tried adding UDELEGATE(NetMulticast, Unreliable) on the Delegate declaration, but that did not work. Makes you think what its for then.

Thank you for your help!